To Nurture the Joy of Excellence in the World of High Technology
St. Xavier's Technical Institute
A Combination of Commitment, Conscience, Compassion, and Competence
Message From The Director
I can vouch for this story because it was told to me by a Jesuit friend who heard it "from the horse’s mouth." My friend’s friend was travelling by an Asiad bus from Pune to Bombay and he found that the one sitting next to him was feeling very discomfited. He raised an alarm, got the driver to stop the bus, and attended to the one who apparently was having a stroke..

Why join St. Xavier's Technical Institute ?
Key Features
A well stocked library with a book bank facility.
Fully Euppied LABs
Well equipped laboratories with a one:one setup. College has been awarded three times best laboratory awards in consecutive years by MSBTE.
Industry Approved Syllabus
The syllabus is updated every three year keeping in mind the industry demands
St. Xavier's Technical Institute

Various Affiliated Courses

Embedded System Design with
Time Triggered Technology
from SafeTTy Systems Ltd.
UK Linux Certifications from
Linux Professional Institute, Canada
Internet of Things
Deep Learning
Python for Data Science

Certification in Cyber Security
Post-Graduate Diploma in Cyber Security
Diploma in Cyber Security
Certification in Machine Learning (ML)
Certification in Cloud Computing
Certification in Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Certification in Robotics
Certification in Data Analytics
Post-Graduate Diploma in Data Science
Diploma in Data Science
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